Saturday, 4 November 2017

How can I reset my HP printer?

There are many reasons that you might need to reset the configuration of your HP printers. Most of these reasons entail you trying to roll-back some of the updates that have seriously compromised the default functionality of the peripheral device. While several methods to do this often consist of a lot of unnecessary hassle, there is a more direct and efficient approach if you consider the NVRAM- the non-volatile random access memory that printers contain. This is setup based information that stays on a device even when it is turned off. 

According to HP Support Ireland, this memory is the key factor if the user to seeking to cold-reset the system. A cold reset removes this memory and sets the printer to its default and factory fresh settings. To perform this process in an easy fashion, confer to the following steps: 

  1. On your printing device, there is a large green button that says “GO”. While the printer is still on, press and hold down this button. While you are doing that, turn off the printer and also release the button after the device is turned down. Turn the device back on and press upon the same key for about 20 seconds to reset the memory. This method is applicable in the 1100 and 1200 models. 
  2. For the 2200 model, turn the printing device holding down the “Go” button. Keeping holding the button until you see that the “Attention” indicator is turned on. Once the indicator springs into action, release the button and see if the round lights are in the indicator. Again hold down the button until both the “Ready” and the “Go” button are available. 
  3. For the 5P or 6P models of HP printer, you need to press and hold down the “reset” button while you turn on the power. Hold it for 20 seconds to reset only the printer. If you even exceed by a single second, the NVRAM will reset as well.

You can introduce the same technique to reset the HP devices of the 4000, 4100, 800, 2100 printers.You will notice the reset method is pretty consistent. However, issues might occur if not followed properly. In those cases, do not shy away from contacting our experts via the toll-free HP support number Ireland +353-766803285.  Our experts will assist you in the same matter in addition to providing you with more optimal solutions for some of the HP printer related issues. 

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